Let's talk coffee.
According to this article, 9 in 10 Australians (88%) like coffee in some form.
Per person, we're consuming 1.9 kilograms of it per year. That's pretty wild.
It's safe to say that coffee is very popular; a LOT of people drink it.
But how does it affect your skin?
Let's take a look.
Coffee Amps Up Stress
Anyone who's had coffee or caffeine in some form, knows that feeling... you feel more alert, more awake, sharper, more energetic maybe...
That's because coffee essentially amps up our body's stress response.
It raises cortisol levels, a stress hormone that can make you feel more alert
On a daily basis, we are exposed to a LOT of micro-stressors. Maybe someone cuts you off in traffic, your boss yells at you, your child falls over, the list goes on...
Well, coffee is magnifying that hormonal stress response. Instead of putting out a normal amount of epinephrine and norepinephrine (neurotransmitter hormones), your body can put out up to three times as much.
Essentially, your body is overreacting to stress.
And, we know that stress is correlated with acne...
That's why coffee is particularly bad if you have acne prone skin.
I often hear this from readers...
When they are most stressed out, their acne tends to flare up, and when they're on vacation somewhere, (even if they don't pay attention to their diet) their skin is the best its been in a long time, because they are relaxed and feel ZERO stress.
There's a direct link between stress and how our skin looks, how well our immune system functions etc...
Because coffee amps up stress, try experimenting getting off it to see how you feel.
Coffee can also dehydrate so remember to drink lots of water throughout the day...
Coffee isn't always bad...
This doesn’t mean you shouldn't enjoy it now and then.
And if you find it doesn't negatively affect you, then I don’t see any real reason to stop drinking it.
Remember: everyone processes caffeine DIFFERENTLY.
With that said, if you do decide to keep drinking coffee, I do recommend opting for organic coffee, because coffee beans are one of the MOST sprayed crops…
Also, just because I said you can drink coffee, don't be a dummy and order a Triple Mocha Frappuccino with Caramel Sauce and Double Ice Cream 🤣
I mean go for it, but don't expect your skin to get any better...
Try to avoid adding sugar and dairy to your coffee if possible...
Personally, if I'm out, I'll order a black coffee. Sometimes I'll get it sweetened with some honey but I will NEVER add processed sugar.
Another important note is to LIMIT how much coffee you consume in a day. 1-2 cups is fine but avoid going into the 4-5 range...
Talk soon.
- Nino, Skincare Society