The Best Mindset for Clear Skin

The Best Mindset for Clear Skin

Mindset Shift for Clear Skin

I've been doing a lot of thinking lately, especially about how your MIND affects your skin. 

Today, I'll be sharing two mindset shifts you need for clear skin.

I know it sounds a bit woo-woo but hear me out. 

The Placebo Effect

The influence your mind has on your body is incredible. 

There's a great quote that really sums it up: "If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change"

Our minds are incredibly powerful tools that play a crucial role in our overall success in life. 

They not only shape our identities but also impact our physical health and emotional well-being.

Take the placebo effect for example. Studies have shown that the placebo effect can result in cure rates ranging from 15% to 72%. This is a HUGE finding.

The placebo effect happens when the brain anticipates a certain outcome, leading to the mind communicating this expectation to the body, which then prepares itself for healing.

This process can even trigger the body to produce natural chemical reactions. For instance, in cases of depression, administering a placebo pill can stimulate the release of serotonin, effectively treating the condition without the need for potentially harmful medications and their associated side effects.

OK... but what does this have to do with skin??

Early on in my skincare journey, I remember being in a mental rut. I would focus on the little zits that popped up and felt helpless... I tried multiple products, they didn't work... and my mindset eventually became "doesn't matter what I do, I can't fix my skin issues..."

This is the absolute WORST mindset anyone can have. If you don't believe you can fix your skin, then you can't. 

I'll say it again. 

If you don't believe you can fix your skin, then you can't. 

And I don't mean hoping for the best. You need to genuinely believe that you can fix whatever issues you're having. Internalise this belief.


Now, don't get me wrong. Just by repeating affirmations and internalising this mindset, you're probably not going to clear your skin unless you do the other stuff, too. 

But this mindset and belief is key. It's the first step. 

Consistency is Key

Part two of the mindset shift is that you need to be in it for the long run. Patience is key.


Because you can't fix your issues overnight. I know there are claims online that you can fix acne overnight with toothpaste or whatever but trust me, there is NO overnight fix. 

As much as I wish there was. There isn't. Most people won't tell you that. They'll tell you to use this magic product that fixes acne in 24 hours. 

Don't fall for these scams. 

When looking for overnight hacks, I came across a few people who swore by toothpaste for acne. 

I also found an equal amount of (if not more) people claiming that this treatment made their problems WORSE. 

Your skin is delicate. When you think you can fix it overnight or in a couple of days, you end up putting all sorts of weird stuff on your face that your skin is NOT used to. 

I fell into this trap too...

I put toothpaste on. That didn't work. So I tried peroxide. No luck. Ok, maybe some apple cider vinegar?

I'm not saying these are necessarily bad for you. But they wont fix your acne overnight. 

The truth is that your problem is probably diet/lifestyle related.

Its NOT because you haven't been putting toothpaste on your face😂

This is why the long-term mindset is key. 

Instead of "I want to fix my skin in two days so I'll put all sorts of weird product on my face", think "I need to fix the root cause. This may take a few weeks or months but I will be fixing the actual problem".

Think about it like this:

If you break your leg, do you take the time to rest and treat it properly?

Or do you pump in some adrenaline to numb the pain and keep walking?


Yes, the recovery takes more time. But in the end, your leg is healed.

The adrenaline fix is only temporary and makes your leg worse...



Ok. So we've looked at how the mind affects the body and the key mindset for sustaining clear, healthy skin. Apply this TODAY. And if you do eat something sugary, or forget to shower, don't let it affect you. Consistency is key. 

I avoid sugar as much as I can, but I will admit that the other night, I had some chocolate with my girlfriend...

Did it ruin my progress? No. Because I've been doing the right things consistently.

I'm in it for the long run.

I see so many people mess up and then they spiral downward. Don't be that person.

In the next blog post, I'll cover the key sleep habits for clear skin. See you then ;)

Nino - Skincare Society

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